The Change We Want.
The Supervisor We Need.
Monterey County Supervisorial District 2
Aromas | Bolsa Knolls | Boronda | Castroville | Creekbridge | Elkhorn | Las Lomas Moss Landing | Oak Hills | Pajaro | Prunedale | Royal Oaks | Santa Rita
We Need A Supervisor Who Cares
Monterey County's annual budget has grown to $1.7 billion, but the same old problems remain: water, affordable housing, homelessness, crime, traffic congestion, litter, poor roads ... and those are only a few of the issues facing our communities. How can a county as rich as ours fail to solve the same problems decade after decade?
Let's face it. The needs of county residents are not being met. North Monterey County has half the county's unincorporated population but doesn't get its fair share of county services. Burdensome regulations are so restrictive and confusing that even some who work at the county don't fully understand them. If someone asks the same question of county employees two different times, there are often two different answers. Instead of a helping hand, small businesses and small farms face obstacles that seem to penalize hard work and success. Working people are discouraged from taking part in their government because committees and commissions meet during the day instead of the evening. This isn't the way it needs to be.
The most important duty of a county supervisor is to be responsive to the public and solve problems as they arise. The people of District 2 need a supervisor who will do that and be visible and active in the community by meeting with constituents, holding frequent community forums and cutting through the bureaucratic red tape. We need someone who wants to solve problems. Glenn Church is that someone.
Glenn advocates for creative, commonsense solutions to the problems facing us, with a bold vision and clear proposals on how to achieve those solutions by reforming county government and making it more responsive.
Please join Glenn and our neighbors in this fight to improve our communities. Together, we can make a difference. Together we can make the change needed for a better Monterey County. Together we can win.