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The Change We Want.
The Supervisor We Need.
Improving County Services

District 2 needs a supervisor who will be accessible and who will meet regularly with residents to solve problems. I will hold monthly meetings at the many different communities in District 2 so that residents can interact one-on-one with me. Half of Monterey County's unincorporated population lives in North County, but North County doesn't get its fair share of the services that its residents deserve:
Roads have deteriorated because the road maintenance budget has not kept up with inflation over the last 50 years. Many roads have not been paved since the 1960s.
Litter is dumped and cars abandoned, leaving North County looking like a refuse dump and forcing residents to clean up what the county fails to do.
North County is dotted with hundreds of small water systems that face increasingly burdensome regulations while poor water quality issues remain unaddressed. I manage a water system with 32 connections. I know the problems first hand.
Parks are neglected and the community has had to step forward to develop and manage Manzanita Park while Royal Oaks Park slowly deteriorates from disrepair. The county needs to work with our communities in maintaining these valuable facilities.
Loud parties disrupt the peace of country living as the county refuses to enforce its own noise ordinance. This problem should have been addressed immediately when it arose several years ago. That is a prime responsibility of a Supervisor -- listen to to people and address their concerns.
Animal Services' budget has been stripped to where it has had to take donations from the public for dog food and provides no weekend patrols. It is time for the county to again fund a weekend animal control officer.

Over the last few decades, sheriff's deputies available for patrol have been cut from 120 to 60, reducing response time and risking lives. The Sheriff's Department spends $8.5 million dollars on overtime. Much of that overtime is mandatory, stressing officers and creating an unhealthy working environment. Deputies are also underpaid as compared to the neighboring counties of Santa Cruz and San Benito, creating a high turnover rate.
Small businesses and small farmers face unnecessary regulations and delays unrelated to health, safety and environmental matters. Many of these problems are wrapped into the permit process and code enforcement, which are applied unevenly and with some unnecessary or outdated regulations.
Waste Management holds an exclusive contract to collect garbage and charges county-approved exorbitant penalties. Waste Management gets what it wants, and that needs to be questioned.
should have been addressed immediately when it arose several years ago. That is a prime responsibility of a Supervisor -- listen to to people and address their concerns.

Castroville and Pajaro are neglected and deserve beautification and redevelopment projects. Castroville, the Artichoke Center of the World, is the only significant community between Santa Cruz and Monterey that has not been developed to capture the millions of tourist dollars that drive past it on Highways 1 and 156. This is a missed opportunity for jobs and businesses.
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